
Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine’s Day Giveaway Winners

Thank you everyone for participating the vey first giveaway on my blog.  I truly appreciate your supports.  Are you ready to see if you’re one of the lucky winners?

Drum roll please……

The lucky winner to this heart shape crystal paper weight with “I Love You” imprinted is….

Christine from Christine’s Home and Travel Adventures who comment “Lovely give aways! Perfect for Valentine's Day. My favorite cake is Mocha chiffon cake. Happy birthday! I just became a follower. Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway...Christine

Heart shaped crystal

The lucky winner to this heart shape crystal paper weight with “Forget Me Not” imprinted is….

Dede from My Life is a Reality Show who comment “I "liked" on Facebook :) Dede

Heart shaped crystal

Last but not least, the lucky winner to this set of heart shape crystal paper weight with the word “Love” and the other with the image of a cake imprinted is….

Tiffanee from One Crazy Cookie who comment “Happy birthday!! I follow and my fave is white with butter creme frosting. Yum. What a beautiful giveaway.”

Heart shaped Crystals

Congratulations to all lucky winners.  Please send an email to
amy [AT] utry [DOT] it     with your name and mailing address.  I’ll send out the giveaways promptly.  Thank you again for those who participated on the first giveaway.  I’ll have more giveaways to come in the near future.  Stay tuned.


  1. Wonderful!! Thank you :)

    Dede King
    150 Spring Rd
    Brownsville, PA 15417

  2. I am so EXCITED!! My birthday is next week. Thanks for the perfect early gift!!

  3. Congratulations to you.

    @ Tiffanee: That's perfect timing. :) Happy early birthday to you. Hope you'll have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

  4. Congratulations to 3 winners and thanks to you for hosting such a great giveaway!!

  5. Thanks, Amy! I can't wait to get my heart. Last night we went to a mardi gras ball and then hubby an DI watched TV and both fell asleep on the recliners. Then around 4 AM, I woke up to move to the bed but we have to go through our home office to get to the bedroom. I sat down on the chair in the office and started blogging about the mardi gras party and that's when I saw your email so to answer your question, I just woke up and was going to bed too. Thaks again for the lovely give away....Christine

  6. I just fell in love with your blog :) Congrats to the winner :))

  7. Amy, I received my prize in the mail the other day and was so excited! However, 2 of them came, "I Love You" and "Forget Me Not". Did I win 2 or did one come here by mistake? They were in the same package. Thanks again for the great giveaway!!

  8. @Dede: Thanks for letting me know you've recieved the package. Acutally, I put in a "bonus" in the package for you. Since the postage is the same as sending just one, so I sent you an extra one I had on hand. :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Quite the step up from candy hearts! But I would love to see the crystal hearts in a candy heart like box display, would be cute.
