
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Almond Cookie Crisps


If you’ve been to a Chinese bakery, you would have probably seen these Almond Cookie Crisps.  They are usually packaged in small plastic treat bags going for $4 to $5 for just 10 or 12 cookies.  Yeah, kind of pricy but they are ridiculously good.  I obviously don’t want to pay $5 anymore for just 10 little cookies (although I had in the past, many many times when I lived closer to a Chinese bakery).  Now, I can make my own at home.  Besides saving a whole lots of money, I can enjoy these anytime I want.  *I’m doing a happy dance here when these little cookies are out of the oven!*  Open-mouthed smile

The ingredients in these cookies are simple.  There are egg white, sugar, flour, salt, almond, a little butter and vanilla extract, that’s all. Yes, very simple ingredients, but that can turn into something truly amazing. Here’s a warning, these cookies care ADDITIVE! Super ADDITIVE!  Okay, you’re officially warned.


These Almond Cookie Crisps are crispy, crunchy, nutty and with a hint of vanilla.  I love to hear that crunch when you bite into one.  They’re even semi-see-through too.  They are perfect for Christmas gift-giving as well.  Hm…with a glass of milk, I can easily finish the whole batch on my own... truly some very dangerous stuff!


Not only there are just a few ingredients involved in these cookie recipe, they are super easy to make, too.  All you need is a small mixing bowl, measuring spoons, measuring cups, and a whisk.  Yes, you don’t even need to take out the hand held mixer.  Winking smile The key to making these cookies super thin and crispy is to spread a small amount of the batter out.  Then, make sure the almond flakes are in a single layer, which do need a little time and patience to get the whole batch done, and so it is worth it.  Or, simply ask your kids to help out spreading them out.  It would be a fun baking project together. 


Today marks the very first day of a school year for my little boy, who started pre-school in less than a year ago.  It is also my first "back to school" experience as a Mom.  These cookies are perfect as after school snacks.  I'm sure he'll love these cookies, as much as his Mommy does.  I'm so proud of my little boy!

Addison Back to School

Almond Cookie Crisp:
Print This Recipe
Makes 36 to 40 cookies (depending on the size)

2 large egg whites, room temperature
a pinch of kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons castor sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 cup almond slices
2 1/2 tablespoons butter, melted

Preheat oven 325F. Line baking sheet with silicone baking mat or parchment paper.
In a small mixing bowl, whisk egg white, salt, vanilla extract and sugar until foamy.  Whisk until sugar is completely dissolved.  Whisk in flour until no lumps.  Then, gently fold in almond slices and butter.

Spoon 1 teaspoon of batter onto prepared baking sheet and spread batter into a 2 to 3-inch circle.  Make sure the almonds flakes are not overlapping each other.  Spoon the rest of the batter on baking sheet with each cookie at least 1-inch apart. Might need to bake cookies in batches.

Bake 9 to 12 minutes depending on their size, rotate baking sheet once during baking.  Bake until slightly golden brown.  Remove from baking sheet and cool completely on wire rack.  Cookies will crisp up once completely cool.

*Do not over bake them because they tend to turn a little more golden brown after they're out of the oven.


  1. I love these and the pictures are just amazing!!!!!

  2. Oh Amy, these look wonderful. I'm crazy about almond cookies and I'm going to try these this afternoon; can't wait to be happy dancing too!

  3. I love almonds so these are a must try. Thanks for sharing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  4. I've never seen these, then again, I've never seen a Chinese Bakery. With that said, you've totally convinced me to try them. Thanks for the post!

    I hope the little one enjoys his first day of school!!


  5. Oh boy! I need to learn to make these. Can see how they are addictive. He is soooooo cute - all grown up! Fantastic backpack!

  6. You make it look so easy! I love almonds and I can't wait to try making these.

  7. Thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog, I really appreciate it. These cookies look very crunchy and delicious. I hope your sweet little son enjoys his days at school. Shannon

  8. I made polvorones last month with the same ingredients! Your cookie crips look great and I`m going to try it soon! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. This is super creative Amy and looks very nice too!

  10. Delicious & crispy cookies, yum yum. Nice click too.

  11. Okay, I can tell I'm going to LOVE these! Can't wait!

    ♥ sécia

  12. The cookies look so delicious and light, my kond of cookies!...Christine

  13. I would love to have a bite on that crispy tempting cookies...yummmy clicks.

  14. These look beautiful and would be the perfect cookie for this nutty, crunchy lovin' household :) Will be definitely trying these out sometime, gorgeous photos too!

  15. These cookies look so delicious. My kind of cookie. I don't think I could be trusted with these fresh outta the oven. Yummy!

  16. OH yum! I think I'll try these wilth almond flour!

  17. Tempting clicks and looks irresistible!

  18. I've never had these before but they look delicious. They almost remind me of lace cookies.

  19. Oh I love the presentation of these yummies cookies!

  20. These sound wonderful and I know my family would love them. This is my first visit to your blog, so I've taken some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...MAry

  21. Gorgeous recipes. Love these cookie crisps.

  22. Amy, your photo's always make your recipes jump off the page! Too bad they can't jump right into my mouth! I NEED to make these!
    Your little boy is adorable! I hope he enjoyed his first day of school. Blessings! xo

  23. Wow, you made them so thin! I am sure they are very crispy. YUMM!

  24. These are some of my favorites cookies as well! I can't wait to make them and then make more because of course I'd eat the first batch on my own :0

  25. These cookies look scrumptious and I can't wait to try them, since I love almonds! Thanks for the great recipe and for stopping by! Your little boy is adorable.

  26. Look how beautiful and delicate these look. Mmm, bet they would be fabulous with a steaming mug of Earl Grey in the afternoon.

  27. They do look addictive! I think I can't stop at just one until the whole jar is empty! Looks really good!

  28. These look so good, & your pictures are so lovely! I would love it if you shared it on my blog party, Makin' You Crave Monday, over at!

  29. I am getting very very hungry looking at your blog Amy!

    Hope your little boy enjoys school, the teachers are good and his classmates are nice!

    Think you will really enjoy Marche Moderne:)

  30. This is so something I would do! I am featuring this recipe all week on the front page of Mangoes and Chutney! Thank you for linking your wonderful recipe to Fat Camp Friday. I would also love for you to join my new forums and link up your website and any linky parties you host! Have a great weekend!

  31. That's it you have me....Almond and Crisp is all you had to say! These look incredible.


  32. Hi Amy
    I just love a crisp cookie and I love almonds, so this is a great combination for me. It looks so good! Hope you will have a great week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  33. Fabulous Amy, my kanda cookies!! Thanks for the recipe, they look great, huuby's going to love them! Lots of hugs. FABBY

  34. This looks so crispy and delicious, Amy! I can't wait to try them myself.

  35. I forgot to mention you have an adorable little school boy :)

  36. I have plenty of whole almonds at the moment, I wonder if I could get them sliced so thin to make these delicious looking crisps

  37. I have never had the good fortune of buying or making these cookies before. They are so pretty. I need to give them a try.

  38. I'm so happy you shared these cookies -- I LOVE them but could never find a recipe. I will be trying this soon!

    Aww, your little one is adorable! Hope he had a good first day at school!

  39. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I made them today and they tasted just like the ones I've bought in the Asian bakeries :)
    You can see my post here:

  40. These look awesome! Almond is such a subtle, wonderful flavor. BTW, what is it that's in your header picture?

  41. @ Carolina HeartStrings: Thank you. My heater picture is the image of the "Paper Wrapped Cakes". Very popular bakery treats in Asia. You can find more information and recipe on this link.

    Thank you everyone for stopping by and leaving your sweet comments. :)

  42. YUM! This looks delicious!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!

  43. I am not sure if this is the same one I had tasted, but it got some almonds in it. Anyway, from the looks of this almond cookie, this must be it. Thanks for the recipe, I hope I got the taste right.

  44. Interesting cookies! Thank you for sharing the recipe with us! I think I will surprise my family with them this weekend!

  45. I LOVE almond cookies!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe...and thank you for the brioche recipe.
    I am so pleased that you have joined my Followers (I joined your group, too!). Good luck with my cookbook giveaway. I know you would love this book!!!
    Jane (Artfully graced)

  46. I made these cookies yesterday. Definitely addicting. I'm going to blog about them next Thursday Thanks for sharing!

  47. Thanks for trying the recipe and I'm glad you like them. Yes, very addictive cookies! :) I sure will look forward to your blog post. I truly enjoy reading your blog.


  48. My post is up Thanks again!

  49. Aw! Love your "big boy's" "first day of school" photo! Thank you also for sharing this almond cookies recipe!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  50. Aww your son is so cute! And those cookies really do seem like a perfect after school snack, I'll have to try that out thanks!

  51. Haha those really do look tasty. If they're as yummy as you say they are, I'm sure my kids will absolutely love them!

  52. great ,my blog is .

  53. Greetings Amy, 7 years later, I have made a batch of your Almond Cookies for Chinese New Year 2018! Thank You so much for sharing your Amazing recipe! Much Love, May, Melbourne : )

    1. Hi May! First of all, thank you so much for trying the recipe and letting me know. You made my day! It's never too late to try, isn't it? And I'm so glad you did. My family love this these cookies a lot and I make a batch every now and then. It's perfect to share on Chinese New Year too! Wish you and your family a wonderful and prosperous ahead! Happy baking! ;) Regards, Amy

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