
Monday, September 19, 2011

Mini Brioche

Mini Brioche

This is my very first time making brioche.  Boy oh boy, it could be another serious and dangerous addiction, right after the Meringue cookies and Almond Cookie Crisps!   Seems like I have quite a few addictions on food/cookies.  What can I say, I'm just a girl who really enjoys eating.  But tell me how can I resist these little cuties?  They are smooth, soft, silky, egg-y and buttery.  So perfect especially when they're still warm from the oven.  So perfect for fall; so perfect whenever I need a small bite to keep me going on a busy day.

Mini Brioche

Although the egg wash on top cracked a little bit, they are still perfect to me, perfectly imperfect.   If you know why they're cracked and have the solution to solve the "problem", please kindly leave a comment to let me know.  I'm planning to make these mini brioche again and again.  

Mini Brioche

With a bit of butter and fruit preserve, this is a simple yet scrumptious breakfast.  I re-heated them in the microwave the next day and they tasted just as wonderful.  If you haven't try making bread at home, this could be an easy recipe to get started.  I promise, you're going to love the result.

Mini Brioche

Before you go, come join #DairyBreakfastClub recipe party at TidyMom along with The California Milk Advisory Board and 

Mini Brioche:  Printable Recipe
Makes 10

1/4 cup warm milk (110 to 120 degrees F)
1 1/2 teaspoons active dried yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
3 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour (divided)
1 teaspoons kosher salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 egg mixed with 1 tablespoon milk, for egg wash

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with paddle attachment, combine the milk, yeast, and sugar.  Mix with your hands until the yeast and sugar dissolved.  Allow mixture to stand for 5 minutes. Add the eggs and beat on medium speed for 1 minute, until well combined.  Turn the mixer to low speed, add 1 cup of the flour and the salt; mix for 5 minutes. With the mixer still on low, add 1 more cups plus 2 tablespoons of flour and mix for 5 more minutes.

Transfer the dough into a large buttered bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight.
The next day, allow the dough to sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Meanwhile, grease 10 mini brioche tins. Set aside.

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the dough hook, add the dough, softened butter in chunks, and mix for 2 minutes.  Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of flour as needed for dough to form a ball. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface.  Evenly divide the dough into 10 balls and place them in the tins. Cover the tins with a damp towel and set aside at a warm place of the kitchen until doubled in volume, about 2 hours.  (I placed them in the oven uncover with a large bowl of hot water on the side)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. When the dough has doubled in volume, brush the top with the egg wash and bake for 20 minutes. Remove the brioches from the tins and cool on wiring rack.


  1. These look amazing!

    ♥ sécia

  2. I love brioche and your mini versions are adorable!

  3. You knocked these out of the park on your first go-around. Too adorable.

  4. These are so beautiful! I have never thought to make Brioche at home.
    I just "pinned" your gorgeous image. Now I can go to it for the recipe.
    I will run out and get those adorable little pans.
    Thanks for for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY with this great recipe!

  5. They are gorgeous, inside and out (just like you) :) xo

  6. Beautiful brioche Amy! I wouldn't worry abou the slight cracking appearance on top - they look mouth-wateringly good and probably taste that way too:)

  7. Some people have fear of flying or spiders I have fear of using yeast. I've tried making bread several times with no luck. These look delightful!

  8. Amy, the brioche looks beautifully baked. Btw, love the little basket of yours too. hehe... Hope you're having a fabulous week ahead, dear.

  9. These look so delicious. My mouth is watering. I would love one of these with butter and jam for breakfast. I would love to give this recipe a try soon. I am beyond giddy that I have all of the ingredients on hand to give these a try. Have a great day!

  10. I hate working with yeast but should definitely try these.
    Check out my teenage blog


    I love making my own bread so I get a feeling I'd love making this!!! I've always wanted to try brioche. :)

  12. I think the egg wash cracking adds charm. They look so good! I don't have a fancy mixer though so I would have to figure out how to make brioche with my hands...I can figure it out! :)

  13. I like the cracked egg wash too!
    i have a list of recipes from your blog that I plan to try now that I have more free time and this is first on the list! I even went out and bought the brioce tins today. =D

  14. I've never tried brioche but that's about to change! It looks great!

  15. I've never tried making brioche but I have wanted to. I have a full-size pan but the cute little ones sure are tempting! I'm curious about the eggwash cracking too... maybe if you thinned it with a little water it would help that.

  16. Amy what beautiful, eggy, brioche! Your tins are so shiny and pretty. My are old and tarnished but I do love to use them to make those mini-buns. Wish I had one know. Could you thin your egg wash with some cream or a little milk or water? Just a thought.

  17. Thank you for all your kind and sweet comments. :)

    @ Carissa and Bonnie: I did use a tablespoon of milk to thin out the egg wash. Hm....maybe I'll try another combination of egg wash the next time. Thank you for you advise. :) Always appreciate it.


  18. I'm so impressed with these! They glisten and are the perfect little treat ~ and I agree...for your 1st're an EXPERT!!!!

  19. Amy, that's no fair tempting me with that wonderful brioche! I have wanted to make some but hesitated because I thought only bakeries could make good brioche. You have given me a shot of courage so now maybe I can make some too. Yours looks delicious.------Shannon

  20. These minis are so pretty. I can't wait to try it out!

  21. Really gorgeous! Make me want to run out and buy some tins.

  22. What a wonderful post. The pictures are fantastic.

  23. Amy, they look so pretty, and the texture is perfect.

    Love your photos, too ~ wish I could reach through the screen and grab a nibble!

    Thanks for sharing. ((hugs)) ~m.

  24. I LOVE mini bakery items!! Yours are adorable!

  25. These look fabulously delicious...great job! The egg wash cracked because the dough was under-proofed before baking. If you let them rise a bit longer before sticking them in the oven, it should solve the problem. Hope that helps!

  26. Thanks for the tips, Sarah. I'll definitely keep that in mind and make sure the dough proof a bit more before baking. :) That's such a great tips.


  27. Hi Amy,
    These are just beautiful done in "Amy Style"! I just love your recipe and wish I had some of the little molds. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  28. I like the look of yours here with the cracks :o)

    Thank you for your recipe.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  29. These are so pretty, and sound delicious!

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  31. The cracked egg wash on top gives them an artictic note ! They look just perfect.

  32. Oh wow those look amazing! And I think the cracked egg wash on top adds to their character lol they look so good, I can't wait to try this recipe, thanks!

  33. Those really look straight out of the bakery, really impressive! I'm going to be making these myself this weekend, but I can't imagine they'll look as good as yours!

  34. Look so cute...I love mini ..what size is d tin u used? I never try making dough
    N don't have a standmixer but a hand one. I would like to try on this cute
    Brioche - any suggestions on how I should knead d dough by hand ..

    1. Hi there, thanks for your questions. :) I got my brioche tins from Williams-Sonoma. Here's the link to the product:||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-Feature_Recipe_Rule%7CTop_Wide_Agrarian%20-%20copy-_-

      Probably not a good idea to use hand-held mixer to prepare the dough because you need a dough hook instead of a beater. if you knead the dough by hand, usually it takes about 15 to 20 minutes of kneading depending on your speed and strengths. So you have a bread machine? You can definitely make it with your bread machine if you have one.

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