
Friday, November 11, 2011

Homemade Dark Chocolate Marshmallows


Have you ever try making marshmallows at home?  Sounds like a crazy idea, right?  Well, not so much if you have tasted a home made marshmallow before.  Compared to the store bought packaged version, the home made ones are much lighter, more flavorful, silkier, fluffier, and less chewy.  Best of all, you can infuse them with your favorite ingredients.  What did I infuse these Marshmallows with?  Of course I can’t resist but to add some dark chocolate into these pillow-y treats.  Once you’ve tasted the home made version, you can never go back to the packaged ones.  Trust me, you don’t want to go back to the packaged ones.


They are the perfect treats as the way they are.  But boy oh boy, drop a few into a cup of hot chocolate and you’ll have a decadent treat.  Yes, I love my hot chocolate topped with some whipped cream, the real stuff.  Simply whip some heavy cream with a dash of real vanilla extract and a little powdered sugar and you’re all set.  I happened to have some in my fridge on stand-by.  Lucky me!  Smile

Home Made Dark Chocolate Marshmallow-3

Hm….see the air bubbles inside these marshmallows (see picture below)?  They are pillow-y and fluffy like clouds.  I can definitely sleep on some of these airy goodness.  Or at least dream about them in my naps. Open-mouthed smile   For sure that would be one sweet dream.


These home made Dark Chocolate Marshmallows are perfectly gooey when half way melted into the hot chocolate.  I can definitely take a good nap after a cup of this luscious and decadent hot chocolate.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I still have so much to do around the house and definitely got no time for a nap.  But at least, I can take a moment to relax and day dream while enjoying my favorite drink in the afternoon before I start the work.  Smile  Thanks for stopping by today and wish you all a wonderful weekend. 


Dark Chocolate Marshmallow Printable Recipe

1/2 cup cocoa powder, divided
3/4 cup cold water, divided
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 (1/4-ounce) packets unflavored gelatin
3 large egg whites, at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups sugar
4 ounce dark chocolate, chopped
pinch of kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon instant coffee granulate

Line an 8 by 8-inch baking sheet with parchment paper, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder on the bottom and the sides of the parchment paper, set aside.

In a microwave safe bowl, add chopped chocolate, salt and instant coffee, heat on high until chocolate is melted.  Stop and stir at 30 seconds intervals.  When chocolate is melted, stir in 1/4 cup cocoa powder.  Set aside to let cool.

In a medium saucepan, add 1/3 cup of the water, the sugar and the corn syrup and heat over medium heat.  Stir until the sugar dissolves. Once the sugar is dissolved, do not stir the mixture and continue to cook the syrup until it reaches 265 degrees F on the candy thermometer, about 8 to 10 minutes.

While the syrup is cooking, work on the gelatin and egg whites. In a microwave-safe bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the remaining cold water and let it sit for about 5 minutes.  Then heat the gelatin in a microwave for 25 to 30 seconds to liquefy it.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium-high speed until firm.  As soon as the syrup reaches 265 degrees F, remove the pan from the heat.  Transfer the syrup to a heat proof beaker with handle (I used my heat proof glass measuring cup.  It’s safer and easier to control using a beaker to pour the hot syrup into the running mixer than pouring the hot syrup directly from the saucepan.)

With the mixer on medium low speed, slowly add the syrup to the egg whites.  Pouring it between the spinning beater and the sides of the bowl. Add the gelatin and continue to beat for another 3 minutes.  When the ingredients are fully incorporated and slightly cooled, beat in the vanilla and chocolate mixture until well combined.

With a rubber spatula, scrape the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet. Spread the mixture into the corners and smooth the surface.  Dust the top of the marshmallow with the remaining 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder. 
Leave it in a cool, dry place to set.  It takes about 2 to 3 hours.  Once the marshmallow is cooled and set, cut into small pieces with a pair of scissors or a long thin knife.  I cut some of mine with cookie cutters.  Lightly dust the cookie cutters with cocoa powder to prevent sticking.  Eat them as is or add them into hot chocolate for a decadent treat.  Enjoy.


  1. I've tried before - and it was a disaster! - but these make me want to try again.

  2. Amy, I've only made homemade marshmallows once. I've never seen a dark chocolate version. I bet they taste as amazing as they look!

  3. good grief! I never even thought of making marshmallows! But dark chocolate?? What can I say, dark chocolate calls my name! :-)

  4. Gracious!!! your dark chocolate marshmallows are making me drooling over here. I bet it taste delicious and seductive as it look.

  5. These homemade marshmallows look wonderful.What a treat I have never even had one. Your photos look so pretty, Amy...Christine

  6. What a lovely group of photos - I'll be giving this recipe a try!


  7. those are adult marshmallows!!! I love it...

  8. What a great flavor for a marshmallow. I've made tem before but was always concentrated on coloring them more than flavoring them. These are gorgeous!

  9. I have yet to try making the yours...simply perfect!

  10. I love marshmallows! I can't wait to try these. Thanks!

  11. Oh Yummy. I've never made marshmallows. It's very common in Japan but as snack food!

    Aaron from,
    The Secret of Asian

  12. What a great idea! And chocolate? Even better. Yours look yummy!

  13. Amy, that cup of hot chocolate with that chocolate marshmallow melting on top sounds heavenly. Being able to add flavors is a big plus.-----Shannon

  14. I love making homemade marshmallows but I have never even considered making chocolate ones! Until now that is!

  15. These look absolutely amazing! I tried to make marshmallows once before and whilst they came out fine, they weren't dark chocolate marshmallows. I can only imagine how brilliant they taste melting into hot chocolate, yum :)

  16. Wow! I have never had dark chocolate marshmallow, this must be pure deliciousness...!! You're a true dessert queen :)!

  17. I've never tried homemade marshmallows before, but now that I know you can infuse them with dark chocolate - I might just have to try. These look fantastic!

  18. These look so good! I've never made marshmallows, but I may have to try these!

  19. Hi Amy,
    What a great treat, I have to try this recipe, it will be perfect for the upcoming holidays. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  20. Such darling little treats! They look so light but at the same time so rich! I'm thinking Valentines Day for these beauties! xo

  21. I love the chocolate on chocolate action these marshmallows impart to a cup of cocoa. They look so divine.

  22. @Belinda: Hope you'll have better result with this recipe. It's tasty and decadent and I'm sure you'll love it. :)

    @Cranberry Morning, Butter Yum, Jacob and Valley Writer: Please let me know how you like them after you've try the recipe. Hope you'll love them as much as my family does.

    @KB: I'm hopping over to check your site out. Thanks for your invite.

  23. I made homemade marshmallows a few years ago but your dark chocolate ones make me want to try them again! How delicious!

  24. These marshmallow look delicious! It's always been my secret dream to make marshmallows, go camping, make a fire, and then roast homemade marshmallows. But it's also my secret fear that I'll burn myself with hot sugar...

  25. Wow! These marshmallows look very intense in flavor. They are also very beautiful for all occasions.

  26. Wow! Your dark chocolate marshmallows look amazing! I never thought of making homemade marshmallows! Thanks for the idea, Amy!!!

  27. Home made marshmellows! oh wow, what a great idea! I never thought or knew that one can make them at home. That will be a huge surprise to my sister, cause I ve decided to make and tryyour recipe when my sister comes down in December.
    Great post and a very valuable recipe. =)

  28. I am so jazzed about these! Thanks.

  29. Ok, these are simply amazing! So beautiful and fun! Thanks for sharing the recipe and perfect picts!

  30. Lovely! I haven't made marshmallows before. Maybe this winter will be my year to make some!

  31. Yum this looks like the perfect floaty for my hot chocolate :) Amy your pictures are always so beautiful too. Have a wonderful holiday next week.

  32. Oh my. That looks like one addicting thing. Delicious. Come visit us. We have a terrific mulled cider and a legacy cookbook to share.

  33. This is just splendid new to me! a whole lot of a different level ! kudos!

  34. I love the last photo! So cute! I never thought of making marshmallows before. It was very interesting to read how you made these. Thanks for sharing!

  35. @Helen: You gotta give this a try. Let me know how you and your sister like it.

    @ Carolinaheartstrings: Oh you bet, they are really addicting. My little girl and I finished the trimmings in seconds as soon as the marshmallow was set.

    @Nami: Thank you and you're welcome. Yeah, home made marshmallow is quite new to me as well....and I'm already planning on making more flavor. I think matcha would be great! :)


  36. Oh dear... this looks absolutely addictive, if I could stretch through the computer screen and grab a few of those delight, I surely would! :)

  37. Oh my! How neat! I look forward to trying them out too! My hubby loves dark chocolate! Our kids and I love chocolate of any kind! :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you my dear friend for taking the time to stop by and visit! I am behind again in blogging with keeping up with the drawing orders.

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    -B. Haven

  39. @Gourmantine: These are really addictive. I so wish you can stretch through the screen and grab a few. I don't mind sharing at all. :)

    @Personalized Sketches: You're most welcome. I always enjoy visiting your blog. Thanks for stopping by today. I always appreciate your sweet comments as well.


  40. I was drooling over these the day you posted them. My very best wishes to you and your family for a blessed Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon!
    Miz Helen

  41. @ Miz Helen: Thank you. Hope I can shared some of these marshmallows with you. Thank you for your warm wishes. Like wise, I wish you and your family a wonderful and blesses Thanksgiving as well. Take care and I definitely will be back to visit your blog and Full Plate Thursday soon. :)

