
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spicy Edamame—Quick and Easy Healthy Snacks

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Edamame is one of my favorite simple appetizers to enjoy before a meal.  Usually, we get a small bowl of these healthy and tasty complimentary beans at the Japanese restaurants before our orders arrive.  Edamame beans are immature soybeans in the pod, which commonly are found in the Japanese and Chinese cuisines.  The pods are usually boiled in water or steamed and served whole.  A while ago, I found some organic edamame from Costco that were packaged in individual bag of 3-ounces each.  The suggested serving instruction was to put them in the microwave for 3 minutes, sprinkle with salt and serve up.  Simple enough right?  Of course I couldn't resist to bring some home.

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Of course, if you know me well, I won’t just serve them as is.  It’s fun to add different condiments on them for new flavors.  What did I create this time?  These Spicy Edamame!  With a hint of sea salt, toasted sesame oil, and some Japanese chili powder!  Oh boy, so simple and so good.  Make them, seriously, and you can thank me later.

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The package suggested to microwave them, but if you oppose to using a microwave for whatever reason, you can put them in boiling water for 3 minutes for the same result.  Here’s the step-by-step pictorial on how I prepared these Spicy Edamame.

1) Place the edamame in a microwave safe bowl.
2) Cover with a damp paper towel and microwave for 3 minutes.  I stop the microwave half way and give the edamame a toss to ensure they heat through evenly.
3) Sprinkle with sea salt
4) Drizzle with toasted sesame oil
5) Sprinkle with your favorite chili powder
6) Toss, serve up and enjoy


Simple, right?  This is how the packaged edamame looks like (see picture below).  And the picture of the chili powder I used.  This is by far my favorite chili powder and I got it in a Japanese supermarket (you can get this in some Asian market as well).  If you have your own favorite, by all means go for it.


Edamames are low in calories, high in fiber and contain an adequate amount of healthy fats. They are packed with protein and essential amino acids.  They also contain vitamin A, calcium, vitamin K and folate.  Whatever that means, they just translate to tasty goodness to me.  Minus the chili powder, they are also my kids’ favorite snacks.  Come on, what kids don’t like food that they can pick up with their hands, bit into them and squeeze out little gems from inside the pods?  They definitely are fun to eat as well.  The big kid in me say so, at least. 

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Spicy Edamame:  (Printable Recipe)

3 ounce frozen Edamame
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon chili powder, to taste

In a microwave safe bowl, cover edamame with a damp paper towel and microwave for 3 minutes.  Stop the microwave half way and give the edamame a toss to ensure they heat through evenly.

Sprinkle with sea salt, drizzle with toasted sesame oil, then, sprinkle with your favorite chili powder.
Toss, serve up and enjoy.

*If you preferred not to use the microwave, simply put the edamame in boiling water for 3 minutes.  Drain well and toss with seasonings.


  1. Once I get a bowl of these, I can't stop. It's really terrible how I have no control!

    1. :) Same here. Good that it's only a 3 oz bag and full of nutrients that are good for me. :P These are totally irresistible.

  2. They are not only healthy, also very tasty!

    1. Oh yes they are. I'm so glad they are so easy to make too. ;)

  3. My whole family would absolutely flip for these! Great recipe! So happy I found your site. Delicious and healthy inspiration!

    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and so glad you like this recipe. :) Wish you a wonderful rest of the week.

  4. Oh! That's really easy! What a great snack idea!

    1. yes it is. It's my "go-to" snack whenever I need something quick and easy. :)

  5. If you grill them, it adds yet another dimension of smokiness to all that spicy goodness. ;)

    1. What a great idea. :D I'm definitely going to try that next time, which is this weekend. I'm going to have my grill on for the Mid-Autumn Festival!'s going to be a yummy weekend.

  6. Wonderful post. I love the pictures and you make me want this right now!

    1. Thanks. :) Glad you like the post. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  7. That sounds lip smacking good. I love edamame!

    1. Thanks. My family is hooked with this snack. :)

  8. This is such a great idea! I love edamame, definitely a great way to add a little more pizzazz.

    1. :) Thank you. Glad you like the recipe. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  9. I love edamame! and if it's spicy, I bet I'll love it more!

    1. :) Thank you. So glad you like spicy edamame. Happy Friday to you and your family. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I'm a big fan of edamame and that's the same chili powder they have at the table of my local Japanese restaurant. It's amazing!

    1. Good you're already familiar with both major ingredients. :) Yes, the chili powder is simply amazing. I put them on almost anything. hehehe....maybe except my morning coffee. hahaha...have a happy Friday.

  11. Very nice! I grew up eating edamame and it was always my job to take off edamame from the branches. :D Happy to see edamame became so popular here! And you have a great recipe!

    1. Wow, how lucky you get fresh off the branches edamame! I only get the frozen ones here in L.A. :P But still taste great. hehe...happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.
