
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spiced Up Apple Chips to Welcome Fall—With Pictorial


It’s officially Autumn/Fall according to the calendar.  Somehow, the temperature in L.A. refuses to reflect that.  I can’t believe we’re still having high 90s F temperatures as we step into October!  My AC and my electric bill need serious help.  HELP!


Although the temperature is still summer-like in L.A., I’m already in the mood for Fall.  At least, my palates say so.  I’m sure most of you who are reading this post already wearing some nice sweaters when going out, maybe having the softest blanket as you roll yourself up while watching your favorite TV series on the couch (one of my favorite things to do to relax before I have kids), or even a mug of hot apple cider in your hands to get the chill off.  Yeah?  Please just say yes because I can totally imagine myself doing just that in Fall and Winter!  The key word here is imagine! Or should I just say I wish I can do just that!


Before it’s cool enough for me to enjoy a cup of hot apple cider, fortunately, I have these Spiced Up Apple Chips!  They taste just like a cup of hot apple cider, in the form of chips without all the heat.  I can still taste the warmth from the spices on them.  Another great thing is that they are baked in the oven at 200F degree, which won’t warm up my kitchen that much.  Thank goodness! 


In these Spiced Up Apple Chips, I coated them with the spiced-up sugar before baking them.  While they were in the oven, I can smell the cinnamon and cardamom sugar caramelizing.  My whole house smelled amazing and probably was the sweetest and warmest smell that Fall can get.  Forget about the scented candles, all you need are Spiced Up Apple Chips in the oven and it’s all natural. 


In case if you’re not familiar with cardamom, here’s how they look (see picture below).  Those on the left are in whole pods and the one on the right are ground up ones.  Cardamom is a popular spice in Indian cuisines, both in desserts and in beverages.  It has a strong and unique taste, very aromatic and fragrance.  It’s slightly spicy, comparable to fresh ginger, and has a hint of lemony freshness.  It go so well with the warmth of the cinnamon.


Want to follow me to the kitchen to make these Spiced Up Apple Chips?  Let’s go.

1) Place the sugar, cinnamon, and ground cardamom in a shallow dish.  Stir until it’s well combined.

2) Slice the apples as thin as you can, about 1/8-inch.  Noticed in the picture I have a Gala apple and a Granny Smith?  I like it better with the Gala, the green apple is a bit too tart for my liking.  They still taste great, but I love the Gala better.

3) Remove the core with a small cookie cutter, cute right? And it’s so easy.  Unless you have the apple corer, use it before slicing the apple.  Gently pat the apple slices with a paper towel so they are dried up.  Somehow, I missed a picture of that.  I must be too excited for the next step!  

4) Drench the apple slices in the spiced sugar, shake of excess and place them on the silpat/parchment paper lined sheet pan in a single layer.  And bake them away.


These Spiced Up Apple Chips are crispy and crunchy.  The perfect snack for Fall and Winter.  I love the warmth and sweetness from the cinnamon and the little hint of spiciness from the cardamom.  The caramelized sugar adds an additional crunch to these chips.  These are totally ADDICTIVE!  Did I say addictive?  Okay, you’re officially warned!


Time for another confession?  You bet.  Yes, you guess it right, I used to dislike cinnamon, a lot, when I was young.  It’s another ingredient that I grow to love and enjoy now.  I think the taste and fragrant of cinnamon reminds me of happy times with my good friends.  Friends I grew old with and shared many sweet memories.  Cinnamon reminds me of times when we were carefree, had some crazy fun time at the Theme Parks and enjoyed some cinnamon churros; Times we walked at the shopping mall until we couldn't walk anymore and sat down to share a cinnamon bun and a cup of coffee; Times when we didn't have to worry that the cinnamon bun will go straight to our behinds!  Those were the good old days.  That’s when I realized, I really love and enjoy cinnamon, after all.


But if you don’t like cinnamon, it’s okay too.  Noticed from the picture above that I have two different types of chips?  Those on the right are “naked” ones without the spiced coating.  For those, I simply sliced up the apples and baked them off.  And for the record, those plain chips are for my hubby.  Yeah, he’s still at the “growing” stage to enjoy cinnamon. 


I encourage you to try the spiced up version though.  The caramelized sugar just added a different type of crunch that you can’t get from the plain ones.  They are simply crisp, light, and packed with lost of spices and flavors.


Now, it’s time to get into the kitchen and make your own batch of Spiced Up Apple Chips.  I know you’re going to love them. 


Spiced Up Apple Chips: (Printable Recipe)
1/3 cup vanilla sugar (or use regular sugar if you don’t have it)
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
4 small Gala Apples

Preheat oven to 200F degree.

Place the sugar, cinnamon, and cardamom in a shallow dish. Stir until it’s well combined.  Slice the apples as thin as you can, about 1/8-inch.  Remove the core with a small cookie cutter.   If you have an apple corer, remove the core before slicing.

Gently pat dry the apple slices with a paper towel.  Drench the apple slices in the spiced sugar, shake of excess and place them on the silpat/parchment paper lined sheet pan in a single layer.

Bake for one hour, flip the apple chips up side down to dry the over side.  Return to the oven and bake for another one hour.  I left the apple chips in the oven overnight with the oven off.  The chips were all crisped up when they were cooled. 

**The bake time depends on the thickness of your apple slices.  Make sure to cut them as thin as you can or use a mandolin if you have one.  If your chips are not totally dry, bake them 20 to 30 minutes more at 200F degree until they crisps up.


  1. I would loves to have a change for this apple chips instead of the usual potato chips. And more so it is full of spice flavor in it. Must be crisp and crunch to the bite.....

    1. hehe...I say they are better than potato chips. At least they are somewhat more healthy, without all the grease. ;) Wish I can send you some to try.

  2. The weather here is fall one minute, summer the next. I'm ready to for fall, especially with these beauties!

    1. Oh...I don't like weather that switch back and forth. My kids get sick easily that way. Hope you'll have some beautiful fall weather soon along with a basket of these beauties. ;)

  3. The best! I have the chance to taste these and they are better than the store bought ones that I've had! Thanks for the recipe and showing us how easy it is to make!!

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Joseph. Always appreciate them. ;) Enjoy.

  4. These look fantastic! What a fun treat. Thanks for posting it.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Glad you like it. :) Have a wonderful day.

  5. Omg! This is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Thanks for the recipe! I am going to try this hopefully this weekend :)

    1. Thank you. Glad you like the pictures. Hope you like the recipe too. Have fun baking. ;)

  6. These look delicious! And since we're having the same hot weather down here in San Diego county, I'm happy to have an alternative to the usual hot fall foods!

    1. Oh yeah....crazy weather in So. CA this year. We're finally cooling a bit today with the help of some rain. :) Hope you'll enjoy this recipe.

  7. These look addicting. Better than potato chips, too! ;)

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. Oh yeah...very addicting kind of chips. More so than the potato ones. ;)

  8. Fall is a state of mind. Looks like you are there. Great post!

    1. Thank you, Dear. :) Finally, the temperature is a bit cooler today. Hope you like the recipe.

  9. WOW! This looks simple and yummy! I want to try them too, thanks for sharing Amy :)

    1. You're always welcome. Yes, these are really easy to make. Just need some time in the oven, that's all. :) Hope you like this recipe.

  10. I love those! Have to make them! Perfect for the winter nights!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you like them. Oh yeah, so good with the Fall weather. ;)

  11. beautiful chips look yum! and a healthy snack too!

    1. Thanks, Swati. Glad you like these healthy snacks. :)

  12. Amy, those look fantastic! What a great way to use apples and it's absolutely perfect for snack after school! Well done!

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Oh yeah, they are so good and I can simply eat them non-stop. :P

  13. Your pictorials and lovely photos are always the BEST! Thanks Amy for giving us a step-by-step. These apple chips look fantastic! What a healthy and yummy snack for the family.

    1. Thanks, Geni. :) Glad you enjoy the pictures and pictorial.

  14. This is something I'm gonna be making this season!Love your apple basket!

    1. Thanks. Glad you like this recipe. Let me know how they turned out if you try. :) Have fun baking. I'm enjoying all your Halloween creations.

  15. Good Friday to you, Amy.
    Your house must indeed small amazing - I want to try this. I LOVE apples!
    You always come up with excellent ideas:)

    1. Thank you, Jo Dee. Yes, the house smells like Holiday when I'm baking these. Come to think of it, it's time to make another batch.

  16. I'd love to try these! They look amazing and a perfect bite of fall.

    1. Oh yeah...I can't stop making these chips. They are so good.

  17. I'm so glad you shared these! It was extremely hot here today as well, and I was sweating like a horse when we visited Anaheim. 200 degrees in the oven, can't wait to try!

    1. I just never really feels like Fall in OC! hahaha....even as windy as today...the temperature feels like summer out there.

  18. Yum! These sounds delicious. It is fall here in Utah, so I am typing this wrapped up in my cozy sweater. I love the photos!

    1. How nice you've got Fall weather in Utah. I still can't wait for the temperature to go down in CA. It did for a week and we're having mid-80s temperature here this week mid-October? I know, sounds crazy, huh?

  19. Those look amazing! And yes we're now in full autumn mode including the sweaters and the soft blankets on the couch...;) I have a huge love for both cardamom and cinnamon (and all sorts of other spices) so I'm. Rey much tempted to make ese delicious looking crisps...

    1. Oh, if you love cardamom and cinnamon, you've gotta give these little chips a try. You're going to love them! :) Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

  20. My sister makes something similar every year, but I haven't tried it. It's about time. :)

    1. Oh...then you should give these a try. They are so good...and addictive. :P

  21. Last time I made apple chips they burned in the oven. I think I turned up the temperature because I was pretty impatient.

    1. :( Sorry your chips burned. Yeah...these takes time. But good thing is that I don't have to pay much attention to them when they're baking. Hope your next batch will turn out better...that is if you plan to try 1 more time. heheh....have a great weekend.

  22. Don't try these in a dehydrator:) Wonderfully delious but the mess I had to clean up..... Next time I'll stick to the cookie sheet. Besides, I don't want all that sugary goodness falling thru the cracks.

    1. Then it's a good thing that I don't have a dehydrator to start with, I guess.

      Sorry that you had a mess to clean up...but thanks for case someone wants to try these on a dehydrator. You're here to save the day! You're so right, the sugary and spices are so good. Happy baking and wish you a good weekend.

  23. Goash, I was just planning to make this. And here you are! Great. Thanks for sharing it.
