
Monday, April 29, 2013

Morning Rush Hour Tips—A Peek Inside Our Morning Routine

Let me start this post off with a disclaimer: I’m NOT a morning person. I never was one, and never will be one, period. People ask me quite often, “How did you manage to get the kids and everyone out the door to school and work, nicely dressed, well fed, and on time every single morning?”.

Honestly, it hasn't always been an easy task for me. If I were only to follow my biological clock, we’ll never get out of the door before noon. So, here’s the deal. Today, I’m going to let you peek inside our morning routine, and I’ll share my Morning Rush Hour Tips with you.

One thing you might not know about me was that I used to be a human resources manager at a major communication company before I turned into a full-time mom. What does this have to do with my family's current morning routine? Well, everything!  I can totally use my management skills at home!

So, here are a few important management skills that every successful manager should know,  and I’ll explain how each one helps me in handling the morning rush.

1) Understanding team dynamics.

All kids are different, and my two kids certainly have very different personalities. For instance, my little boy doesn't really care what he wears. I can pick any outfit for him and he’ll be a happy camper. On the other hand, my little girl loves to pick her own clothes. She might be in the mood to wear her favorite jeans, or, she might feel a little girly and want her flowery dress. If I don’t let her pick her own, she would be quite upset and request a change of clothes.

I learnt my lesson. I do not open the whole closet and let her choose randomly. Instead, I usually pick out two different outfits, and let her choose. That way, she doesn't spend all morning deciding what she wants, she gets to pick her own clothes, yet, the outfits are always appropriate for the weather and occasion. What a win-win situation!


2) Delegating effectively.

I let my kids get themselves ready, with occasional assistance from me. I let them brush their teeth, change their own clothes, they eat on their own, (although I do sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee while they eat breakfast). Sometimes, they even help out with setting the table for breakfast. With daily practice, they’ll be doing these tasks on their own without much assistance.


3) Communication

Make sure communication is a two way street. This means that I talk, they listen.

Just kidding! It’s important to let the kids express their feelings and what they want/need as well. Trust me, it makes the process much easier when you know what their little minds are thinking.

4) Planning and Time Management

Planning is very important to conquer hectic mornings. I try to have everything prepared the night before, if possible. This includes picking out outfits, packing kids’ and hubby’s lunch boxes, and preparing breakfast if it’s something I can make ahead. If not, I’ll at least prep the ingredients that I need. 

Here are two recipes that my family loves, and you can make them ahead of time. You can click here to get the Breakfast Cookies recipe, and click here for the Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips.

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I hope my little tips help with your family's hectic morning rush. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have a favorite tip to share.

This post is part of BlogHer's Rush Hour Tips editorial series, made possible by Got Milk?


  1. I love the idea of using your HR management skills to wrangle "the team." Good thinking!

    1. Thank you, Amber. It wasn't easy at the beginning. Gotta use all the skills I have. ;)

  2. Aw, this post is adorable :) Glad to hear your mornings are relatively smooth and painless!

    1. Thank you. Oh yeah...I guess practicing each day for the last 2 years does help. ;) hehe....I'm just glad we have a routine now.

  3. Right now i've assigned my husband to school mornings so i can deal with the baby. it's been perfectly lovely not having to worry about it! :) i'll be back on duty in the fall though and referring back to your tips. Those morning cookies looks delish!

    1. How nice you have your husband's help with the morning routine. :) But taking care of a baby will keep your hands full, I'm sure. Hope my little tips help you with a smooth process when it's time for "back to school" in fall

  4. This is like the perfect post! Thank you so much for all these cute and useful tips! :)

    1. You're very welcome, Rita. And thank you for visiting and I'm glad you find the tips helpful. :) Have a great weekend.

  5. Great tips Amy! I was pretty good at getting my kids out the door when they were they have minds of their own. Teens are pretty awful at time management but they're not too bad. We get where we need to go on time. There are really good tips here for young parents for sure! And I love those breakfast cookies!!! Yum.


    1. Thank you, Nazneen. :) Oh...I thought it would be much easier with teens compared to young kids. I gotta keep the "time management" thing in mind and many start training my kids now. :D Thanks for your feedback. And those breakfast cookies are pretty awesome. Hope you'll give them a try.

  6. great tips Amy, I would particularly follow the 2-choice dress for my fussy daughter, she likes to raid the whole cupboard for dresses, and only dresses! See, how careers changed woman's perspective in domestic front, I like that HR bit:-)

    1. Thank you, Jehanne. I guess most girls are more fussy about their choices on clothing. ;) Let's just say, I'm glad my boy is a lot more easy going to balance things out. But when it comes to food, my Little boy is definitely more picky than my daughter. :P

  7. Thank you for sharing the tips, Amy.

    1. You're most welcome, Angie. I'm always happy to share. ;) Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Thanks for the tips and superb clicks...

    1. You're very welcome. :) Hope the tips are helpful.

  9. Hola Amy, que buenos consejos para organizarse bien y ter tiempo hasta para hacer estas delicias que nos pone para el desayuno, me ha encantado la idea de sacarle a la niña dos modelos para que escoja cual, pues es verdad que las niñas somo mas presumidas y nos gusta ir bien guapas , sigue asi como eres, que tenga unos dias felices

    1. Muchas gracias. Sí, me alegro de que tenemos una rutina ahora. Les deseo un maravilloso domingo. Tenga cuidado.

  10. Hmmm I think I need to use some of these tips to get my boyfriend out the door in the morning lol! Great post!

    1. LOL...good point. And these tips work really well on my hubby as well. :P

  11. Great tips Amy! Those breakfast cookies are adorable.

    1. Thank you, Ruby. Oh, those cookies are so good. You've gotta give them a try. ;)

  12. Took care of two of my CASA kids over the weekend. It is amazing how easy it was to go back to a regular kid routine. Having twins, I had a good one, too!

    1. Oh yeah....having a regular routine makes things easier. :) Twins? Oh boy, it's not easy to handle even one at a time. I applause you for that.

  13. Like you I am not a morning person :) And glad that our kids are past this stage long time...although we will be babysitting my niece and nephew for a week, your tips just came handy.
    Have a lovely week Amy!

    1. Thank you, Juliana. Glad the tips comes in handy. I can't wait for my kids to pass this stage. ;)

  14. I love breakfast cookies! (I hate mornings...but I have an interesting condition--it only seems to be the weekday mornings that I have issue with. Come the weekends, I tend to be bright eyed and awake by 6:30 with no problem.) :)

    1. Really? That's the "condition" for my kids as well. They might take a while to get out of bed on weekdays and comes the weekend, they get up extra early all on their own! ;) Guess they are expecting the fun for the weekend and too excited to sleep in.

  15. Cute post! And those cookies look great.

    1. Thank you. Oh yeah, those breakfast cookies are pretty awesome.

  16. These are great tips, Amy! So clever of you to use management techniques at home; they really do transfer across quite seamlessly.

    1. Thank you, Trishie. Glad you like the tips. Yeah, the management techniques work quite well at home. ;)

  17. hi Amy, thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing these tips. I do the same with my daughter's outfits but it does not always work :)

    1. I agree, my little girl is quite picky in her outfits as well. She wouldn't even wear certain colors so I'm better in buying her outfits just to make sure they are something that she would wear before I spend that money! :)

  18. I don't have kids and struggle enough just getting me ready! Great tips :)

    1. :) Hehe...I use these tips to get my hubby ready in the morning too. Glad you like my tips.

  19. Great !
    Greetings from Poland :)

    1. Thank you for visiting. Hope you see you back soon. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  20. I have one child and tend to do everything myself since it's just easier but I'm learning to delegate more. I totally agree that communication and planning are key!

    1. is definitely easier if I do everything myself too, but in the long run, I think delegate to the kids and train them early will give them a head start early to take care of themselves. ;) Especially, with more than 1 kid.

  21. I am not a morning person too. Planning and preparing everything the day before is the answer!

    1. Hehe....I agree, I simply can't think straight in the morning. :P

  22. I ALWAYS start my morning with a nice
    cup of greentea c: good breakfast is
    the key for an energetic day!


    1. I agree, gotta have good breakfast to start the day right. :) Good the greentea works for you. I do drink that throughout the day. But in the morning, only a nice cup of coffee can wake me up. ;)

  23. I love the idea of a breakfast cookie. It's perfect for a grab and go kind of morning!

    1. Oh yeah...they are very convenience and good for you too.

  24. Fun post! I've never been a morning person, but used to be one much more than now. Back in the days when I used to get up at 5:30!!!! every morning, I always thought through everything I needed to do in the morning the night before. That way I could stumble around in my sleep and (usually) not miss a beat. I don't miss those days.

    1. I know, I used to get up at 5-ish in order to get out the door on time and get stuck in traffic for 1.5 hrs to get to work. Crazy traffic in L.A. and I'm just glad that those days are in the past. :) Yes, getting things done the night before works well for me.

  25. What a beautifully crazy life...can't wait to have little ones of my own one day---I bet they loooove all the yummy things you whip up, Amy! (those cookies included)!

    1. Thank you. :) I look forward to seeing your little ones one day. Kids are so fun to be with (most of the time). :P

  26. Boys are usually more easy going on what to wear. Girls on the other hand can take forever. But yes, I agree --giving someone too many clothing choices can take forever on getting ready. Planning ahead and time management is crucial.

    Anne ~ Uni Homemaker

    1. Oh yeah....can't give too many choices of clothes to the girls....including myself. :P Wish you a wonderful week ahead, Anne.

  27. Amy, I don't have children, but I should take lessons from someone who, like you, actually plans days ahead and is organised... I also am not a morning person. Night person either. I need to sleep a lot and cannot imagine how people live on 5 hour sleep ;-)

    1. I'm totally a night owl, I think. But having young kids really "train" me well to go without much sleep. :)

  28. Amy, great post! You made me laugh and I am sure every mom out there that read this post did as well. Most mornings and evenings are not a diplomacy in my house. It is run by a very firm militant mom who just wants the jobs done. There is no bartering or whining or carrying on...I used to nick name the evening session "night time processing" ---you know that whole homework, shower, brush your teeth and get tucked in for the evening "Night time processing" Happy parenting!

    1. I love your term "night time processing". I agree with you,I feel like a militant Mom in the morning trying to get everyone ready on time. :)

  29. Nice tips! And I got to peek at your morning routine.Ours are usually more chaotic!

    Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen

    1. :) I know, it's not an easy task to get the kids out the door on time every morning. That's why I tried to get as much done the night before. I can't think straight in the morning. hahaha...

  30. It certainly sounds like you have it all under control. I pretty much ran my house the same way when they were younger and fortunately at 23 and 26 still confide in me and share their thoughts, something I hope never changes.

    Your breakfast treats sound great, I'm sure they make your kids smile. Great tips!

    1. Thank you, Vicki. Yes, things are pretty smooth so far. Hope things would stay the same for a while. How sweet that your kids still share thoughts with you as they're young adults now. Let's just hope I can say the same when they're at that age....some day. :)

      Those breakfast cookies are really good. Hope you'll like them too.

  31. I am on your total wave length Amy --- not a morning person either! Oh how I would love to just stay in bed for one more blissful hour of deep sleep! It's just the best! Thanks for stopping by my blog this week, it is so sweet to re-connect again!

    Take care (and get some extra zzzzzz's when you can!)


    1. I know...I can always use some extra zzzz,but hardly getting any, unfortunately. But I'm glad that at least our morning routine is rather smooth. :)

  32. I am a total morning person, but i remember being little and getting into many fights with my parents about getting ready. I didn't like eating breakfast because it made my tummy hurt and yet they always tried to force something into me (I hold no grudges....that's a lie).

    1. Good for you that you're a morning person. :) I don't always like breakfast either, but I tried to eat a little something just because I know that's supposed to be goo for my body. Otherwise, I would have skip that as well. :P

  33. Great training, Amy! I'm glad my daughter is training her two little boys so well - just like you :)

    1. Good for your daughter! I need to train my kids well to keep myself sane! hahahaa....

  34. Love the post, dear! My son's already 18, & your post reminds me of his younger days. Gone are the days of picking his clothes. Lol! I was actually hoping to see your entry in my last Hard Rock Hotel Giveaway :<

    1. What? Your son is 18? You look like 18 yourself! That is unbelievable! :)

  35. Hi Amy, great posting. Thanks for sharing, you're a great mummy. Very efficient. :))

    Have a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Amelia. I'm usually pretty good...if I feel "awake" in the morning. hahaha...
