
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving….

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the States.  As always, there are many, many things that I’m truly thankful for.   Instead of listing a long list of things or people that I’m thankful for, and risk putting you to sleep in the middle of this post, I have a better plan.  Below are some facts that I gathered around the web.  Something that got me thinking... thinking deep.

If you have a place called home, or a shelter, or a comfortable bed to sleep at night, you’re more fortunate than 100 million people around the world!

If you have clean water to drink and cook with when you turn on the faucet, you’re doing better than 780 million people around the globe!

If you don’t have to suffer hunger (it doesn't count if you’re on your special diet, by choice!), or have food on your table every night, you’re more fortunate than 7.1 billion people in the world!

If you’re one of those healthy and happy individual, not suffering from any illness or disabilities, you’re better off than 1 trillion people around the globe!

These are just a few numbers of things that got me thinking.  Of course, the list can go on and on as well, but I think you've got my point.  So, before I complain about life again (I know we all do, from time to time because we’re human), I would think about those who are less fortunate.  I'm sure you'll do the same. Also, if you have the ability, please help out those in need.  Something small to you might means the world to others.

While I count my blessings, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family good health, and have a wonderful time with your loved ones.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Peace on Earth


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Amy!

  2. Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving Amy and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend:)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Amy, to you and your loved ones! There are so many things to be grateful about, thank you for sharing the essence of Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Amy from my family to yours :)

  5. Feliz Acciòn de Gracia Amy.

    Aveces nos quejamos por cosas insignificantes y otros mueren de hambre en el mundo ,en Navidad hacemos algo parecido en casa ayudamos a niños pobres,regalos y comida, ojalà todos construyamos un mundo mejor,abrazos.

  6. Dear Amy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Amy! You're right—countless, countless things to give thanks for.

  8. Good post. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving - we did (we're still working on leftovers!).

  9. There is always so much to be thankful for. I only 'discovered' thanksgiving quite recently, and attended a thanksgiving celebration for the first time last year, but it's one of my favourite holidays already :)

  10. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Amy. Thanks for sharing these facts with us! :)

  11. Oh Amy, we gave many thanks this year. And one way of saying thanks is to say thanks for writing such a good blog!

  12. Dear Amy, hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving - what a thoughful and touching post! I love the picture that you posted as well!
    Take care and thank you for this post1

  13. Hope you had a nice holiday! Can't believe it's already December! xD You're very thoughtful and kind to think of others during this holiday season. I like your positive thoughts and influence to readers. :)
