
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

Last weekend was rainy and stormy, what’s the best indoor activities on a rainy December afternoon?  Building Gingerbread Houses.  Some of you might remember the post that the Kiddos and I built a Gingerbread House together for the first time, if not, click here to check out the pictures.  This time around, we’re not building gingerbread house, but gingerbread DOG houses.  Ever since the kids watched the movie A Charlie Brown Christmas, they felt in love with Snoopy.  So, I got them this Snoopy Gingerbread Doghouses kit this year.  The good thing about this kit was that there were a total of four houses to build, so, no fighting over who get to decorate what.  They both got their own houses and did whatever they wanted with them.   

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

The kit came with everything that you needed, except for the baking pan.   I gave the kids their own baking pan to build on so it’s easier to clean up.  The kits came with the gingerbread cookie pieces that you needed for the 4 dog houses, red and white icing, two additional pastry bags, 4 piping tips with different shapes, decorating candy pearls, and last but not least, 4 marshmallow Snoopies.  The kids and I were so excited and we all got our hands covered in icing and candies in no time!  See the picture below?  My Baby Girl already declared she wanted the red icing as soon as we opened the package! 

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

My hands were so sticky that I didn't take many pictures during the process.  While we were building the Snoopy Dog Houses, my Baby Girl got carry away and kept licking the icing on her hands and said, “This is some yummy, sticky business!”  I was cracking up and almost felt out of my chair!  My Little Boy was very efficient, he finished building his dog house, decorated it and ready to move on to other activities.  Only my Baby Girl linger around, wanted to try every piece of candies up on the house, already!  Finally, she requested to taste her Snoopy marshmallow.  Since there were quite a few of them so I said okay.  But she only tasted Snoopy’s little feet and said it didn't taste good, at all.  I guess it’s time for Mama to make her some homemade marshmallows! 

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

Still remember the Peppermint Meringue Christmas Trees recipe I shared here?  I used them to decorate the background with these gingerbread dog houses.  I think it’s quite nice, but they might be a little short for these houses.  More like Christmas bushes than Christmas trees!

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses

Nevertheless, it was a fun afternoon we spent together and that’s what counts.  I hope you enjoy reading this post and try your hand in making some Peppermint Meringue Christmas Trees, or build a Gingerbread House with your loved ones.  Until next time, please take care and stay warm!

Building Gingerbread Dog Houses


  1. this is a fabulous holiday fun time idea

  2. this is so pretty!!! look at the buffet of colours on 'em! very very merry christmas to you

  3. Really looks like a fun activity, so convenient to just get a box and decorate huh! No such thing here yet.

  4. Adorable! A great family project--no doubt! Hugs, T.

  5. Wow...this is so fun and adorable :)

  6. Aaw, these look adorable and like such a fun family project time :) They turned out beautifully :)

  7. My little grandsons would love this kit..So cute Amy:)

  8. So cute and adorable Snoopies! Merry Christmas Amy.

  9. Merry Christmas, Amy. Lovely post! ^.^

  10. I've never seen this Snoopy doghouse version before! They are so cute! My munchkins would love them, and so would I:)

  11. This is so cute Amy. Great job building the gingerbread houses! If I didn't have two active cats at home I'd build this myself as well. Happy holidays

  12. These look so cute and fun to make.

  13. Your kids did a really wonderful job with these gingerbread dog houses. Cute!

  14. What a creative way to make your children busy. They made the houses perfectly too! I wonder if they taste as well as they look ;-)

  15. How cute! I love looking at gingerbread houses but I never have the patience to make them. lol

  16. FABulolus!!

    xxx Merry Christmas, Dear Amy xx

  17. What a nice activity for your children, Amy! This will get them in the festive mood.

  18. They are adorable! What a wonderful activity. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Amy!

  19. Simply adorable! Hope you had a wonderful holidays! Wishing you and your beautiful family a Happy New Year, Amy!

  20. Hi Amy, wooooweeee.... so cute and adorable. The color combination just lovely and stunning. Great job.

    Best regards.

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