Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

My Hubby and I love Japanese food, especially sushi and sashimi.  But they could get quite expensive when you dine at a fine Japanese restaurant.  Of course, there are many all-you-can-eat sushi restaurants out there, but those that we've been to, were only mediocre in quality.  When it comes to raw fish and seafood, you do want to dine at a place with great quality and fresh ingredients. We were so happy when we discovered the restaurant “Sake 2 Me Sushi” last year. 


It’s located in a small plaza in Tustin, Orange County.  It’s totally a hidden gem in O.C.!  Okay, may not so hidden anymore after this post.  But I can’t resist to share with you how much we love this place.  If you like Japanese food and live around the area, you've got to give this a try.  As soon as you sat down and got your drink order settled, you’ll be served with this “Crab Meat Nacho”.  They even serve a non-spicy version for my kids (see picture below). These were so good; imagine crispy chip on the bottom and creamy crab meat on top, with just the perfect amount of sauce and spiciness.  Yes, I think it’s the chef’s tactic trying to fill you up a little before you order the all-you-can-eat sushi.  

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

Yes folks, this place is an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant!  What’s differentiate this restaurant from the rest?   Their sushi and rolls are all made to order.  So, nothing lying around unattended.  Their quality are just as wonderful as many other made to order sushi restaurants.  Plus, you can also order a-la-carte or cooked items from the menu if you like.  But with their wide selections of sushi, cut rolls, hand rolls, appetizers, soup, etc; all included in the all-you-can-eat price, why would you want to order anything else?  Well, expect that we did order noodles for the kids as they don’t eat raw fish, just yet. 

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

As mentioned above, there are many selections on sushi.  The "must try" ones are the “Peppered Salmon” and “Peppered Tuna” (see picture below).  As you can see, they are topping with a sprinkle of pepper and slight charred.  So succulent and the slightly smokey flavor is simply amazing.  The fish has this melt in the mouth texture and you can taste the natural sweetness from the fish.

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

If you've been to an all-you-can-eat sushi place, you know the fish and rice ratio could be quite off; with a tiny piece of fish on top and a huge rice ball on the bottom to fill you up.  However, it’s NOT the case here with Sake 2 Me Sushi.  Check out the picture below, see the fish to rice ratio?  So generous!  The price is very reasonable as well.  Only $19.95 for lunch and $23.95 for dinner (as of 2/22/2014).  Please check their site here for update on prices and menu.

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

Yes, they have many cut rolls and hand rolls available included in the all-you-can-eat price.  But to me, the cut rolls have more rice in them so you'll be full much faster compared to nigiri sushi.  So, I usually go with the money items.  Another great thing about this place is that once you've placed your order, your sushi come out at a reasonable time without a long wait.  Don’t you just love that?  

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

If you’re interested to check out the price and menu, simple chick here to visit their site.  They also have a branch in Montclair and Rancho Cucamonga.  But I haven’t been to the other locations.  So, after reading all these positive points, you might ask me, what’s the “catch” (no pun intended)?  Well, there really is no catch.  But with the price this good and food that fresh, you know the line is going to be long if you don’t go early.  For weekends, make sure to arrive before 6 p.m. for dinner.  Otherwise, it’ll be quite a long wait.  My Hubby and I had been there on weekdays for lunch and there was no wait time.  And you can chose to sit at the sushi bar as well to watch the chefs prepare your sushi, right in front of you.  Pretty neat right?

Sake 2 Me Sushi Restaurant Review

Thank you so much for reading and I can't wait to share more of my favorite restaurants with you in the near future.

Restaurant Review Disclaimer: restaurant reviews are solely based on our experience at each restaurant we visit.   They were just our opinions. and its owner were not compensated in any way to dine at these restaurants nor to write reviews.


  1. Wow! This is definitely a must-try for Japanese food lovers; me included. Thanks for sharing Amy!

    1. You're most welcome, Faye. Yes, I go there so often these day it's not even funny! I took my friends and family their and they all love it at first try. :)

  2. We love Japanese food, so simple but delicious! If I want to have raw fish I would find a higher quality restaurant, too! Nice review and the food looks fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Oh yeah, gotta be real careful when we consume raw fish. :)

  3. I have never been in a all you can eat sushi restaurant. Great made to order sashimi and rolls. I can almost taste my soy/ wasabi sauce hitting my tongue. Yum! After living in Japan, it is hard for me to compare sushi around the world, but this place looks like a little hidden gem.

    1. Oh yeah...I traveled to Japan a few times in the past and nothing can compared to the ones I have in Japan! But this place is a nice way to ease my cravings. ;)

  4. Decadent.
    The food of the Goddesses.
    I'm on my way over! Xxx

  5. Nice post Amy: we love japanese food too.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. I love the idea of made-to-order/ awesome is that!?

    1. Oh yeah...I haven't came across any other made to order all you can eat restaurant yet. So glad this one has decent quality and fresh ingredients. :)

  7. What a nice review! We love coming to your site Amy! Between your stunning photos and tasty recipes, you share wonderful things to everyone to see and try. Great for those who are traveling in your neck of the woods! Great post!

    1. Thank you so much, Anna & Liz. :) It's my pleasure to share my passion and what I love. hehehe....can't keep my foodie "secrets"!

  8. Your photos are making me salivate as I love to eat good and fresh sushi. Really delicious!

  9. I love all sorts of Japanese foods, especially unique sushi selections! Come to Portland and try out some yummy sushi, too! :)

  10. Looks lovely - wish we had something like this here...

  11. My favourite Japanese restaurant is also an all-you-can-eat one :) They do everything to order too! But after visiting the same restaurant for like 5 years in a sorta get bored of the menu haha Wish I lived near you!

  12. What a wonderful review, these dishes are so classy :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  13. Looks wonderful! I love to stop by this restaurant next time in LA. I was in Anaheim last January but only for 4 days. Thank you for the review.

  14. I love tuna sushi too and those look great! Can't believe it's the price for all you can eat.
    Nice review and thanks for sharing. :)

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